Struggling with flat, thin, or limp hair? Here are 5 tips to have a long and voluminous hair!
Not everyone is naturally blessed with long, voluminous hair like Beyonce or JLo (not even Beyonce or JLo have that naturally!).
Having flat, thin, or limp hair is a very common problem that can be solved by doing a combination of these 5 things!
1. Only apply shampoo to your scalp and roots (source)
Shampoo cleanses (and only cleanses) your hair. This means that you only need to apply shampoo on the dirtiest spaces such as your scalp and your roots. Lack of volume can often be due to weak or dry hair, which shampoo can worsen due to its harsher cleansing formula.
Suave celebrity hairstyle Marcus Francis elaborates, "If you have bangs or if your hair is slightly oily on the top of your head or around the hairline, just shampoo those areas.”
Additionally, try not to wash (read: shampoo) your hair everyday. This can strip your roots’ natural and much needed protective layer, which could lead to even flatter, limper hair.

2. Massage conditioner only on the bottom two-thirds of your hair (source)
Conditioner does a really good job of protecting our hair, especially on the length of the strand furthest away from our scalp. The bottom two-thirds of our hair is really the only section we need to apply conditioner, as our scalp naturally produces oils that protect the hair closer to our roots.
This is because conditioner gives hair a silkiness to prevent breakage by thinly coating your strands. When you apply conditioner to your roots, you suddenly have gravity working against you, pulling your hair down and losing volume.
3. Use rosemary-infused hair care (source)
While rosemary leaves are commonly used as an herb to cook with, you can extract rosemary oil that has amazing benefits as a natural remedy.
Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It also promotes nerve growth and good blood circulation. As a result, rosemary oil is said to encourage hair growth by preventing hair follicles from being starved of blood supply and dying.
When our hair follicles are not properly nourished, it can lead to flat, limp hair as well as split ends. Our preferred way to integrate rosemary into our daily routine is with the Zenutrients Rosemary Conditioner.
Zenutrients Rosemary Conditioner 200ml is on sale for ₱199 only vs ₱260 this month.
4. Considering cutting your hair short
Just like the logic of only conditioning the bottom two-thirds of your hair, having longer hair naturally pulls everything down from the roots. This leads to having flatter hair with less volume.
The most common recommendation is to have hair at shoulder-length or shorter to address fine or limp hair.
Rock that summertime look all year if you’re willing to sacrifice length for volume. (Source)
5. Opt for a multi-layered hairstyle
If you’re not ready for the big chop, ask your hairstylist to give you heavy layers if your thin hair grows past your shoulders. Having your strands end at different lengths can give the illusion of volume.
Another way to get layers into your hairstyle is by getting an uneven or messy fringe to give the front of your hairstyle some much needed lightness and volume!
What do you think? Have you tried any of these before? Have a better solution?
Comment down below and tell us! We’d love to hear from you.